Olena Kovalchuk
- The 13th European Conference on Psychological Assessment, (Zurich, Switzerland), July 22-25, 2105,
Kovalchuk O. (2015) Operationalization of social responsibility phenomenon and conception of beliefs about work / Journal of on Organizational and Economic Psychology (in press).
- Kovalchuk O., Salyuk M. (2015) Research of leadership and social responsibility in Ukrainian business organizations: multiple regression analysis / Proceedings of the International Internet-Congress of Teachers and Psychologists “Be Smart!”, Switzerland, 17-18 February 2015 (the paper is accepted and in press). Access mode:
- Kovalchuk O. (2015) Correspondence of Social Responsibility with Personal Characteristics / – Volume VII – Thematic issue: “Higher education in the context of Ukraine's integration into the European educational space” – P. 126-135. (in Ukrainian)
- Ковальчук О.С., Салюк М.А. Лідерські характеристики керівників як чинники прогнозування прояву соціальної відповідальності українських організацій / ІІ Всеукраїнський конгрес з організаційної та економічної психології 28–30 травня 2015 року м. Кам’янець-Подільський, Хмельницька обл., Україна. – С. 47-48.
- Салюк М.А., Ковальчук О.С. Особливості взаємозв’язку метакогнітивної компетентності з емоційним ставленням до онлайн-навчання студентів дистанційних навчальних курсів // Матеріали Всеукраїнської науково-практичної конференції. М. Дніпропетровськ, 5 – 25 квітня 2015 р. – Д.: Акцент ПП, 2015. – С. 81-85.
- Ковальчук О.С. Дорош Н.С. Рівні соціальної відповідальності та уявлення про роботу / О.С. Ковальчук, Н.С Дорош // Тези доповідей ІІІ Міжнародного форуму студентів, аспірантів та молодих учених / ред. кол. М.В. Поляков (голова) та ін. – Д.ДНУ. 2015- С 189-191.
- Shapiro A., Kovalchuk O. (2015) Job satisfaction, work meaning and professional stress in the understanding of Ukrainian school and university teachers / Тези доповідей ІІІ Міжнародного форуму студентів, аспірантів та молодих учених / ред.. кол.: М.В. Поляков (голова) та ін. – Д.: ДНУ, 2015 – С. 149.
Publication under my supervision:
- Чокнадій А. О. Психологічні особливості гендерних аспектів соціальної відповідальності в різних вікових групах / Тези доповідей ІІІ Міжнародного форуму студентів, аспірантів та молодих учених / ред.. кол.: М.В. Поляков (голова) та ін. – Д.: ДНУ, 2015 – С. 245-247.
- Kovalchuk О.S. (2014) Correspondence of Locus of Control and personality’s social responsibility / Вісник Національного технічного ун-ту України "Київський політехнічний інститут". Сер. Філософія, психологія, педагогіка. - 2014. - № 3. - С. 109-115.
- Kovalchuk E. (2014) Gender Aspects in Education and Social Responsibility of Technical University Students / V International Scientific Conference based on the internet-forum "Psychological Support of Education : Theory and Practice" Russia. - 24-26 December 2014. - Access mode: 2
- Salyuk М.А., Kovalchuk О.S.(2014) Psychological prerequisites for the effective use of educational technologies. Proceedings of International Scientific Conference "The Basis for the State Development : the Role of Science" (Kyiv, 29 November). - Kyiv: Scientific Publications Center, 2014, pp. 104-106. Access mode: 1
- Kovalchuk E., Sus B.A. (2013) Education of the Personality in the society in the era of globalization / The problems and perspectıves of conpemporary educatıon ın Russia and abroad. I International virtual scientific conference. Vol. I. Tomsk, 2013. - pp 12-15. (In Russian)
- Sus Bogdan, Kovalchuk Elena (2013). Education of the Personality and the Citizen as the aim of Pedagogics in the Global Informational Space // IV International Educational Forum "A Personality in the Unique Educational Area. (ISSN 2223-4551) el_gurnal.html Sus-Kovalchuk.pdf (In Ukrainian)
- Vynoslavska O., Kovalchuk O. (2013) Development of Social Responsibility of Future Engineers at Technical University in Ukraine. Book of abstracts. Section 1.1. Professional Ethics // 6th Annual Conference organised by European Business Ethics Network EBEN, Lille (France), 12-14 September 2013. - P. 11. (in English)
- Vynoslavska O., Kovalchuk O. (2013) Social responsibility in Engineering as a Preventing Factor of Disasters and Catastrophes // Book of abstracts. XIII International Scientific Conference "Ecological Security of Regions in Russia and risk of anthropogenic disasters and catastrophes", Penza, 2013. P. 16 - 19. (In Russian).
- Galushko O., Kovalchuk O. (2012) The International Institute of Business (IIB) is Seeking International Partners to Add a Cross-Cultural Perspective to Its Research on “Leadership, Management and Social Responsibility / CEEMAN NEWS. – 2012.– Issue 65. – P. 25. – Access mode: ceeman-news-65.pdf
- Augustinienė A., Kovalchuk O. (2012) Developing a Psychodiagnostic Tool for Measuring Social Responsibility / LYČIŲ LYGIŲ GALIMYBIŲ ĮTVIRTINIMO VISUOMENĖJE SOCIOKULTŪRINIAI ASPEKTAI. Mokslinių straipsnių rinkinys. - Leidykla "Technologija", K. Donelaičio g. 73, 44029 Kaunas, 2012. - С. 45- 54. ISBN 978-609-02-0487-0
- Vynoslavska O., Kovalchuk O. (2012) Is the Development of Social Entrepreneurship Possible in Ukraine? / Book of abstracts of VIII International conference "Psychology of organizational development of up-to-date enterprises in education, engineering and business." - Kyiv - Alchevsk, 2012. - P. 82-83. (in Ukrainian)
- Kovalchuk O., Kasabova I. (2012) Social Responsibility of Education in the Society: new vision of Center for Corporate Social Responsibility and Business Ethics of International Institute of Business / International scientific conference for students, post-graduate students and teacters. Kyiv, 2012. P. 194. (in Ukrainian)
- Vynoslavska O., Kovalchuk O. (2012) Development of Social Responsibility of Future Engineers of Professional Training at Technical University / Visnyk of NTUU "KPI", # 2 (35). – P. 87-94. (in Ukrainian)
- Kovalchuk O. (2011) Social Responsibility Model of Personality of Engineer / Abstracts and Congress on economic and organizational psychology "Actual problems of economic and organizational psychology in Ukraine" (29 June - 2 July 2011, the city of Kamenets) / According to science. L.M. Karamushka. - Kamenets: Axiom, 2011. - S. 50 -51. Kamenets-Podilsky, 2011. (in Ukrainian)
- Kovalchuk, Olena. (2011) Social Responsibility in Cross-Cultural Perspective: Assessment of Future Ukrainian and Lithuanian Engineers / O. Kovalchuk, A. Augustiniene // 11th European Conference on Psychological Assessment of Personality. Latvia: University of Latvia, 2011. Abstract book. - P.144. ISBN 978-9984-45-387-3. (in English)
- Kovalchuk, Olena (2011), Gender Aspect of Future Engineers' Social Responsibility / Woman in Science and education: past, present and future: V International scientific conference. Kyiv, 2011. P. 235 (in Ukrainian)
- Kalinina O., Kovalchuk O. (2011) Correlation between employees' attitude to their top-managers and psychological cultural dimensions by G..Hofstede / Proceedings of All-Ukrainian scientific and methodological conference with international attendance "Potential of Cultorology: competitive specialist development" Sevastopol, 21-23 September 2011. - P. 39-42.
- Fedchenko V., Kovalchuk O. (2011) Environmental dimension of social responsibility of Civil Aviation Engineers. / Ethical and spiritual aspects of human development and society. Proceedings of XI scientific conference. (May 26-27, 2011, Kyiv). - K.- 2011. - P.77-78. (in Ukrainian)
- Kovalchuk O. (2011) Social Responsibility Model of Personality of Engineer / Abstracts and Congress on economic and organizational psychology "Actual problems of economic and organizational psychology in Ukraine" (29 June - 2 July 2011, the city of Kamenets) / According to science. L.M. Karamushka. - Kamenets: Axiom, 2011. - S. 50 -51. Kamenets-Podilsky, 2011. (in Ukrainian)
- Kovalchuk, Olena. (2011) Social Responsibility in Cross-Cultural Perspective: Assessment of Future Ukrainian and Lithuanian Engineers / O. Kovalchuk, A. Augustiniene // 11th European Conference on Psychological Assessment of Personality. - Latvia: University of Latvia, 2011. Abstract book. - P.144. ISBN 978-9984-45-387-3. (in English)
- Kovalchuk, Olena (2011), Gender Aspect of Future Engineers’ Social Responsibility / Woman in Science and education: past, present and future: V International scientific conference. Kyiv, 2011. P. 235 (in Ukrainian)
- Kovalchuk O.S. (2010) Psychological support of social responsibility training. / Proceedings of the Second All-Ukrainian Congress of Psychology, devoted to 110 anniversary of the birth of G.S. Kostjuk (19-20 April 2010). - Vol. II. - K.: State Enterprise “Information and Analytical Agency”, 2010. - P. 72-74. (in Ukrainian)
- Kovalchuk, Olena. (2010) Social Responsibility and Future Ukrainian and Turkish Engineers. 2nd International Conference on Governance, Fraud, Ethics and Social Responsibility (Turkey, 2010). CD-ROM. Trakya University 22030 Edirne TURKIYE, the International Group on Governance Fraud Ethics and Social Responsibility , (in English)
- Kovalchuk, Olena. (2010) The Model of Engineer's Social Responsibility. Fifth International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Humanities (England, 2010). University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK (Ref: I10P1098) Social Sciences Conference 2010 , Social Sciences Conference 2010 Sessions (in English)
- Kovalchuk O.S. (2010) Social responsibility of personality in the cultural space. / Personality in Culture: Proceedings of Sevastopol II International Scientific and Practical Symposium September 22, 2010 - Sebastopol, 2010. - P. 39-40. (in Ukrainian)
- Kovalchuk O. (2010) Social Responsibility and competitive engineers - Myth or Reality? / Bologna Process: Status and Prospects of Education in Ukraine [Text]: collection. Abstracts IX All-Ukrainian. of scientific method. conf., 18-19 lystop. 2010, Kyiv. Part 1 / M-in Education and Science of Ukraine, National. of Engineering. University of Ukraine.- K.: NTUU"KPI", 2010. - P. 273-275. (in Ukrainian)
- Kovalchuk O.S. (2009) Social responsibility as an important component of the educational process at a technical university. / Proceedings of the IV Scientific Conference "Management in education." (23-24 April 2009) - Lviv.-P. 118-120. (in Ukrainian)
- Kovalchuk O.S. (2009)"Introduction of the concept of social responsibility in the learning process of future engineers and technical workers as a condition to ensure their competitiveness." P. 136-138. Psychological conditions of competitiveness of organizations: Abstracts VI of scientific and practical. conf. with organizational and economic psychology (25-27 June 2009, Kerch) / For Science. yet. SD Maksimenko, L.M. Karamushka, O. Fil - K.: Publishing House "Interlink", 2009. - P. 136-138. (in Ukrainian)
- Kovalchuk O.S. (2009) Social responsibility in understanding by future of Ukrainian and Turkish engineers. P. 41-42. Teaching psychological and educational courses at the technical university: methodology, experience and prospects: Proceedings of VI International scientific-method. conf. (13-14 October 2009, Kyiv, Ukraine) - Kyiv, 2009. - 104 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Kovalchuk O.S. (2009) Social responsibility in the higher education management. / Proceedings of V International scientific conference "Modern Problems of Management" 26-27 November 2009, Kyiv - Kyiv NTUU "KPI", 2009. - P. 286-288. (in Ukrainian)
- Vynoslavska O.V., Kovalchuk O.S. (2009) Psychological Peculiarities of Teaching International Students at the Ukrainian University. - Sevastopol, 2009. - Р. 47-50.
- Kovalchuk, Olena. (2008) “Monochronic-Polychronic attitudes toward time in Ukrainian, American and French cultures.” International Journal of Psychology. Volume 43, Issue 3/ 4 June / August 2008, P. 681. (in English)
- Kovalchuk O.S. (2008) Social responsibility for future engineers as a vital condition for effective organizational development. Book of abstracts of the scientific conference “Scichological and economical fundamentals for providing organizational development of Universities”. Bila Tserkva, 2008. P. 94 - 96. (in Ukrainian)
- Kovalchuk O.S.(2008) The role of social responsibility in engineering and technical workers in social and economical changes. / Proceedings of V Scientific Conference on Organizational and Economic Psychology “Psychological foundations of effective educational organizations in terms of social and economical change.” (9-10 October 2008) / L.M. Karamushka. – Kyiv, 2008. –P. 77 - 79. (in Ukrainian)
- Vvedens’ka T.Yu., Kovalchuk O.S. Manifestation of time and time perspective differences as perceived by representatives of Ukrainian, American and French cultures (in Ukrainian). Visnyk of Dnipropetrovs’k National University, # 3, 2005 . Dnipropetrovs’k, Ukraine.